Tarifa will always stay in my heart and I really had to control myself not to write only ♥♥♥ under every tip.
Treat yourself in Tarifeña
Thanks to this place I definitely gained more weight than I wanted. The most delicious cakes I've eaten in my entire life. I still think about the carrot cake more than I should. And I didn't find a better one since than.

Valdevaqueros free spa
This beach is about 15 minutes away by car, if you don't have a car don't worry- we also didn't. You can rent a scooter, order a taxi or you can hitchhike if you travel with someone, it never took us long before a car stopped and we met a couple of great people thanks to it, with one of them I went home after summer in a van!
Go snorkeling

Have breakfast in Café Azul

Rent a scooter
We rented one for one day and went through the Estrecho park (useful advice: don't go to paths that are meant only for horses haha) and to Bolonia, where you can find amazing sand dunes and incredible Andalusian views. Did I mention how beautiful Andalusia is?
Try surfing/kitesurfing
Tarifa is the paradise for kitesurfing, which can be pretty hard and ! dangerous, but people seem to love it. I tried controlling the kite on the beach twice but it wasn't my kind of sport (I have no kind of sport, in general, haha, but kiting is way too complicated and dangerous for me). Even though the waves are not perfect for surfing in Tarifa a few days it's possible and I had a lot of fun trying, it's difficult, I drank too much sea water, got bruises, hit my head hard but it was fun anyway- I hope I learn it one day!

Have fun in the sand dunes
In the near of Valdevaqueros, 15 minutes by car and so worth it! Btw climbing up the sand dunes over and over again is more exhausting than you'd expect.
Go to the national park around the corner
The Parque Natural del Estrecho is right next to Tarifa and perfect for walks, runs or photoshoots. There's an amazing view to Africa, which is just about 25 kilometers away.

You should definitely not miss this cozy little café with good coffee and delicious food. You can also get a coffee there at midnight which is something I don't really understand, but you can!
Enjoy the happy hour and party

Have you heard of this little town before?
Ve Španělsku jsem nikdy v životě nebyla, tudíž tohle městečko neznám, ale co jsem se dívala na fotky, tak vypadá naprosto nádherně! Jinak skvělý tipy, pokud se tam někdy rozhodnu jet, tak si určitě tvůj článek znovu vyhledám! :)
ReplyDeleteKarolína & Korea v Česku
Iˇve never heard about this beautiful and lovely town. I definitely want to visit Spain once in future, because it´s look like perfect country for making the best memories :)
ReplyDeleteTo je nádhera! Ve Španělsku jsem nikdy nebyla, ale ráda bych se tam podívala. Článek je pěkně zpracovaný a příští rok by to mohlo vyjít:)
ReplyDeleteInspiration by Linda
krásny článok a veľmi sa mi páčia aj fotky. Sú skvelé a plné pozitívnej energie. :)